Oct 3 – Un-Country Fried Steak

Besides working for a few hours yesterday and watching some football, yesterday was just a lazy Sunday. For dinner, however, I decided to try frying the steak I had defrosted the other day. It was grass-fed (100%) london broil which I pounded the crab out of with my fists and cast-iron pan until it was about 1/2″ thick. Then I seasoned it lightly with thyme, cayenne, paprika and S&P and let sit for 30 minutes or so in the open.

Meanwhile, I also had some sauteed kale greens with onions in lard. I need more greens in my diet, especially when eating a lot of meat. For my newly flattened steak, I heated up the tallow from two nights prior in a deep skillet to medium-high. Once it was nice and hot, I laid in the small cuts two at a time into the oil and let it fry for about 90 seconds on each side. They came out medium well and were plenty moist from the tallow bath. I’m going to try this again sometime soon but with an Almond Meal Crust.

Quite good, and from what I’ve read, Tallow and Lard can be deep fried 3-5 times before it’s useless, assuming you drain it through a cheese cloth after each time. Also I’ve heard that soaking a peeling white potato for 30 min or so can soak up any added flavorings or sauces you used. The color’s definately more of an amber now instead of the previous white-yellow hue it previously had.

About Primal Pig

“Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food.” -Hippocrates I'm 28 years old, living in Boston. I studied international business and culinary arts. I try to incorporate my experience abroad, nutritional research and ancient culinary traditions in my life. I'm not trying to change the world, but I'm taking charge of how I make my way through. Interested in paleo / primal living, or just tired of convention wisdom? Go ahead and question away.. many people don't have enough questions! Too many "whatever you say" answers, accepting "experts" regurgitated "knowledge". If you're curious about other nutritional / lifestyle options, let me know. If I don't know exactly what you need, I can at least point you in the right direction.
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